Gallery - Maladype Színház Metropolis Yvonne The Trojan Women August Louis The Balcony Csongor and Tünde Three Sisters Dada Cabaret Richard III Out-Let I Chose Freedom Great Sound in the Rush Ernella's at Wolf's Exercises in style The Story of The Panda Bears Roberto Zucco Macbeth/Anatomy The Escape Don Juan Master and Margarita Don Carlos Egmont Tristan and Isolde Inferno The Marriage of Figaro Platonov King Ubu Lorenzaccio Egg(s)Hell Bolero - The big march Leonce and Lena Woyzeck The Tempest Acropolis Empedocles Theomachia The Blacks Pelléas and Mélisande The School for Fools Jack, or The Submission