Sylvia Huszár
1983-1988 – Diploma MA, Aesthetics and Theatrology
at Faculty of Philosophy of the Commenius University and Theatre Faculty
at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava
Cie. Krisztián Gergye
Creative Producer, International Relations
Maladype Thetare
Production Manager, International Relations
University of Film and Theatre Arts
PR a Press Manager, International Relations
1994 -present
Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute
International Relations (Coordinator of theatre projects of V4 Countries and EU), Database
Slovak Cultural Institute in Budapest
Theatre, Film, Literature - referent
National Library of foreign Literature
Slavic referent
Sylvia HUSZÁR is Hungarian independent theatre expert with strong international background, theatre theoretician and translator. She has been dealing with contemporary theatres for more than 20 years. She is promoting Hungarian contemporary theatres with strong new visions and new theatre aesthetics. Besides the project-management and publishing activities, she focuses on professional and consulting cooperation of theatre festivals at home and abroad. She was curator and lead coordinator of the Hungarian exhibitions at the Prague Quadrennial Word Exhibition of Performance Design and Space (1995-2015). She also worked (2007-2011) at the University of Film and Theatre Arts in Budapest as head of PR and foreign affairs department. Between 2009-2013 she worked for Maladype Theatre in the capacity of manager of foreign affairs and producer of co-production projects. From 2018 she continues collaboration with the company and with Zoltán Balázs as his creative producer.
Past collaborations
Lóránd Bartha (professional partner), Andrea Demeter (executive manager, production manager), Balázs Erős (executive manager), Ildikó Éri (program coordinator, international relations), Veronika Fülöp (assistant), Anna Gáspár (financial manager), Eszter Hajós (assistant), Orsolya Kiss (program coordinator), Judit Réka Kiss (assistant), Kata Koroknyai (program coordinator, press relations), Mirella Mátrai (assistant), Zsolt Oláh (press relations, project manager), Gergely Pelbát (assistant), Gergő Rutka (assistant), Fanni Sólyom-Nagy (program coordinator, international relations), András Szabó (assistant), Zsófia Sztranyák (graphic designer), Balázs Horváth-Veress (web programmer) Márk Tárnoki (assistant), Ágnes Osztolykán (production manager), Gabriella Valaczkay (production manager), Marianna Vágó (public relations), Szilvia Vég (press relations), Erika Vincze (public relations), Arabella Wynne-Hughes (internatonal relations)