Readers Theatre
- Readers theatre at Maladype Base
Taking advantage of the possibilities its space offers, Maladype Theatre launches a new project: a rehearsed reading series. The program will feature select plays by lesser-known contemporary authors, which will be enacted by the actors and guest artists of Maladype with unconventional theatrical means.
WOMAN: Kata Huszárik, Ágota Szilágyi, Erika Tankó
MAN: Zsigmond Bödők
Music: Hannah Horváth, Ilka Kiskgyörgy
Translation: Fanni Sényi, Lóránd Bartha
A visionary story of a Woman and a Man waking
At Night, their first at home, with their newborn.
As the dawn flew and the illusion turns into real,
Something happens as never before: they want to believe,
That giving birth in such a terrible world has a reason.
Performed by: Zoltán Balázs, Zsigmond Bödők, Kata Huszárik, Erika Szilágyi, Erika Tankó
Performed by: Zsigmond Bödők, Kata Huszárik, Erika Szilágyi , Erika Tankó
Contributing artist: Albert Márkos - violin cello
The Path of the Intelligentsia to Class Power
Performed by: Kata Huszárik, Ágota Szilágyi, Erika Tankó, Zsigmond Bödők
Directed by: Máté Szabó
Writer: Victor Kravchenko
Fordította: Péter Konok
Szereplők: Zoltán Lendváczky, Erika Tankó, Ágota Szilágyi
Director: Zoltán Balázs
Performed by: Judit Ligeti Kovács
On May 24 8.30 p.m. you can see The Girl with the Match by Klim (Volodimir Klimenko) legendary, almost unclassifiable author of the Russian and Ukrainian literature. His dramas are built on expressive visuality, special tempo-rhythm acting, and poetic, polyphonic writing. The Girl with the Match translated and directed by András Kozma with Judit Ligeti Kovács in the main role will be presented on Maladype Base as part of our Readers Theatre series.
The Story of The Panda Bears Told By a Saxophonist Who Has a Girlfriend in Frankfurt
Performed by: Zoltán Lendváczky, Mariann Molnár, Ákos Orosz, Erika Tankó, Ágota Szilágyi
Reading theatre session was attended by the playwright Matei Vișniec and theater critic and translator Daniela Magiaru.